Friday, 9 September 2011

Monday, 5 September 2011

Addressing problems that might arise for you and me out of the interactions v.02

Terms and conditions, privacy policy, legal notices... they are all basically are trying to address 2 polars of all interactions... as problems or as solutions, or somewhere in between.

This is a phrase that I think is universally good:
- If you are just to look and browse through the website for your personal use, without spreading the materials yourself or using the materials for commercial purposes... then we only require you to read the disclaimer part.
- Other than that please pay attention to the rest of this terms and conditions to keep our interactions more of as solutions and less of as problems for our parties and others'.

The focus questions would be:
1. How is this interaction could be problematic for me? (usually addressed in privacy policy)
2. How is this interaction could be problematic for the provider? (usually addressed in T&C)
3. How is this interaction could be problematic for others / the government? (T&C and Pp)