Saturday, 15 October 2011

I want to be able to explain this better

How the spirit of freedom, generousity, and improvement of access
work together using the law and the open source community...
to stifle the growth of the spirit of making exclusive of what's
publicly available.

Without the law, violent people could intimidate others from accessing certain solutions,
Open source movement is not hindered by the law, but facilitated by the law.

My posts about spirits (I say that spirits are inclinations):


Friday, 7 October 2011

Another tips

Another thing that may make it easier for people to read terms and conditions is the attitude of carefulness.

So before you read terms and conditions... imagine the provider said to you, "Hey lets go into my house, step in go on, but becareful...."

Becareful of what? You'd ask... then read the terms and conditions.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Monday, 5 September 2011

Addressing problems that might arise for you and me out of the interactions v.02

Terms and conditions, privacy policy, legal notices... they are all basically are trying to address 2 polars of all interactions... as problems or as solutions, or somewhere in between.

This is a phrase that I think is universally good:
- If you are just to look and browse through the website for your personal use, without spreading the materials yourself or using the materials for commercial purposes... then we only require you to read the disclaimer part.
- Other than that please pay attention to the rest of this terms and conditions to keep our interactions more of as solutions and less of as problems for our parties and others'.

The focus questions would be:
1. How is this interaction could be problematic for me? (usually addressed in privacy policy)
2. How is this interaction could be problematic for the provider? (usually addressed in T&C)
3. How is this interaction could be problematic for others / the government? (T&C and Pp)

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Terms and Conditions as Quality enhancer

Most order of relationships have its ups and downs. What matters is that such relationships facilitate help more than they restrict.

Using online products such as texts, softwares, images, could raises not only good utility but also problems. By reading the terms and conditions as well as the privacy policy, we could identify upfront what problems would occur potentially, and to prepare ahead.

Solutions means negative when they are non supportive of other solutions.

Friday, 26 August 2011

Terms and Conditions enrich the world

While reading again GPLv3, I realize more how terms and conditions help us to become more of a part of the solution and not the part of a problem.

As a human being who could initiate relationships or interactions we are exposed to a risk that we might cause problem to others in the process of our interactions.
Using terms and conditions we could keep our interactions lovely, more as solutions and less as problems, in order to enable more and more solutions available for us in the future.

Friday, 19 August 2011

Script yang dapat disertakan waktu membagikan ubuntu v.06

Lisensi untuk software - software dalam operating system ini dapat dilihat setelah anda menginstall operating systemnya:

file system > usr > share > doc > (semua) > copyright

Lisensi-lisensi yang sering dipakai:

file system > usr > share > common-licenses

Saran: Click icon home folder, kemudian di sebelah kiri ada daftar drive-drive seperti drive C, D, DVD, documents, pictures, dll... di situ click icon "file system"

Software open source selalu mengajak kita untuk menggunakan dan/atau memperbarui softwarenya-softwarenya dan membagi-bagikannya kepada sesama.
(, diakses Agustus 2011). Namun selalu ada resiko dalam prosesnya pelanggaran terhadap aturan yang berlaku dan terhadap hak-hak mereka yang sudah bekerja untuk memungkinkan solusi ini dapat digunakan oleh kita.

Melalui lisensi, partisipasi pembuat dan pengguna diharapkan dapat terus bersinergi dengan baik.

Semoga berguna,

Friday, 8 July 2011

Humane Terms and Conditions

Check out this terms and condition


Hardly found other terms and conditions, that realizes human potentials like this one. Check out the terms starting with "Either", and "Alternatively".

That's how a terms and conditions should be improved, more humanlike.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

The Jurisdiction of the Internet

Well what can I say about the net. People who came from the "third world countries", met with those from the "first world" countries. What's fair? What's not fair.

How would we position ourselves, how could we filter out unwanted forces? How would we improve our meanings of life... How would we protect our good meanings of life.

Respecting terms and conditions is one way... and for now I only see this way. Let's improve this culture, support it, and make it easier to adopt, more intuitive, and strong, so that it could accomodate differences and maneuvers of the big net.

Let's encourage influential bodies, to certify forms of terms and conditions, or to unite terms and conditions for many uses. Not just exclusive per-site, but multisites applicability. A community, that freely share contents and also respect each other. A community that supports mutual solution creators and their mutual meanings. A community that would give rise to more affiliated communities to make more mutual relationships and put away non mutual relationships.

Make the world richer.

Meanings of the Authors

When dealing with intellectual properties, or when borrowing somebody's item. Arose this managibility of meaning. Where authors want to keep some meaning unchanged, acts by the borrowers might cause the occurence of unwanted meanings.

For example: I have a pen, I its mine, I like it, It is always there when I need it.
When you borrow my pen, there's a risk that the pen would be taken away from me, would be damaged, or would be considered as my allowing of the pen to be used by you all the time.

In terms of softwares, or other types of relationship... there's always this volatility of meanings. But if we relate with people or forces that respect contracts, that respects regulations, we would have the opportunity of getting the support to maintain these meanings.

However, in order to be fair for the borrowers, the law could be better in acknowledging the risks of the jurisdiction. Within some jurisdictions, such meanings normally doesn't hold for too long. Whether its because the location is full of thieves, or there's this culture of casually borrow other people's belonging without telling first, or because people are fighting often. Then the law would measure the authors' power within the jurisdiction. Could he/she maintain the meanings given the circumstances, if the software or the products were kept to themselves rather than licensed or borrowed to another party? On the other hand, given the power had by the user... what responsibility do they have? What cards were put on the table...

So it would be better, imo, if the law could sense... or measure... the normal level of volatility of some meanings that were going to be put into contracts, so that parties could fairly allocate responsibilities. Whether or not the meaning changed due to negligence, or crime done by the borrower... or due to the way things are in the environment.

My purpose of saying this, not to play with the politics in the society (some must've known what I mean). But to present, that sometimes, expecting people to conform with the terms and conditions made in another jurisdiction, could be considered as lazy. And that I propose authors, to make special terms and conditions for jurisdictions where they want to market their licenses to.

Monday, 20 June 2011

The Privacy Policy of This blog v.05

Bahasa Indonesia:

Kalau anda menggunakan custom search google, dan/atau mengclick salah satu iklan dari hasil pencarian anda, ada kemungkinan pihak ketiga (yang diizinkan oleh google) akan menanamkan kuki (cookie) dan membaca cookie yang ada di browser anda. Secara hukum anda berhak untuk mengatur bagaimana informasi anda dipergunakan, kalau tidak mau diberi cookie atau dibaca cookienya, anda dapat menonaktifkan fitur cookie dari settingan dari browser anda. Untuk informasi lebih tentang cookie, lihat di

Tips IE: Tools > Internet options > Privacy > advanced > pilih prompt


I have enabled the google adsearch on my blog, it will provide you search results from my webpages. Upon using the system, you would be exposed to the chance that some third parties might plant cookies in your browser and/or they'd be looking into your browser for existing cookies. As owner of the information you have the right to control their distribution and use. Please refer to for further information.

Tips IE: Tools > Internet options > Privacy > advanced > choose prompts

My Idioms for Open Source Licenses

Relationship between
Provider of the License with Provider of the products/services. (PL)
Provider of the License with End Users (LU)
Provider of the products/services with the End Users (PU)
Provider gives (Progive)
Provider doesn't give (Prodgive)
Provider asks (Proask)
Provider doesn't asks (Prodask)

So the combination would be
PL-Progive, PL-Prodgive, PL-Proask, PL-Prodask.
PU-Progive, PU-Prodgie, PU-Proask, PU-Prodask,
And the rest.

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Read on or skip? v.02

So what I find a better way of reading the terms and conditions is to do it like this:

Open a word document, write down what the license is all about... (example);


and then... jot down how many sentences do they got:

Par. 1:

Par. 2

and so on...

Then you read the point, or just the main messages in each paragraphs, and jot down your interpretations

(2)The author certifies this license.

(3)The author doesn't allow copying of the software

Par. 3
(2&3) The author cares enough about implied warranties of merchantibility, etc... to disclaim them.

After you're done with this step, the next would be more focused. You could take your time to think about the meaning of the sentences and discover relationships of them with the reality you're facing, without loosing track of where you are now in your reading.

I found it often to loose track reading terms and conditions than reading other stuffs, perhaps because the sentences they all feel kinda impressionless for me.

The problem with my method for open source licenses

So in terms of open source materials. There are more than one providers of services, and there's the provider of the license, like the gnu team, the apache team, berkeley, etc.

I'm still working on the solution, but its more likely using more idioms.

But this doesn't mean that the open source license is harder to comprehend than the proprietary ones. It's just because the license you get, is not just the license to do one or two things, but also licenses to tink and convey. Which is great, isn't it?

The strange thing is, proprietary licenses are hefty, bulky, and so all over the places even when they're just trying to licensing us to do one or two straight forward stuffs.
Open source licenses could be much more easier to read and appeared to have more flexibility.

How to understand better, hefty terms and conditions

Read them 5 times:

1. In the context of what the other party or provider of the service gave (Progive)
2. What the other party didn't give (-progive)
3. What the other party asked (proasked)
4. What the other party didn't asked and/or reject (-proasked)

5 The script once more.

I haven't completed this method myself, this is just the ideal, but attempting it has helped my perception of Windows' terms of agreements. What about it... right? lol


Update 4th October... I found also you could look at the terms and conditions in point of views of relationships:

1. Terms for the sake of maintaining relationships with the law (governing laws)
2. Then because they want to obey the law they are going to take care of us (privacy policies)
3. Then because they've covered their obligation they'd officially have rights for us to maintain (rules, copyright, trademarks, disclaimer, limited liabilities, warranties).

Reading the terms and conditions is all about maintaining availabilities of life solutions in our reality. By participating in respecting other people's rights we'd improve support for our rights and accesses to life solutions.

Friday, 17 June 2011

The Privacy Policy of this site

Here's one, quite smooth to read privacy policy:

Friday, 10 June 2011

Oh so many...

Yes there could be a lot of readings to them. This is due to the fact that websites like Microsoft's and Adobe's are owned by a multinational corporations, and most likely the products that they are licensing have many owners within the organization.

It's like borrowing a house instead of just a pencil... there are rules from the dad, the mom, the kids... there are stuffs belong to aunties, and other strangers you don't want to touch... or that you could touch but under circumstances...

So that's the cushion, for all the uncontrolled dissapointment that might've gushed out when reading hefty terms and conditions.

Why Terms and Conditions?

Terms and Conditions is like Owner's manual. Consider licensing as borrowing but without the touch and feel element.
So when somebody borrow your computer mouse, you have the right to determine what does it going to be used for, what not, etc. Including, don't drop it, wash your hands first before you use it, wipe it off after you use it, don't borrow it to somebody else, like that.